Concert Review: Weird Al Yankovic

Review of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s concert at the Chumash Casino, 6/16/11.


One comment for “Concert Review: Weird Al Yankovic”

  1. Dear weird al yankovic this is Chris Novak from walnut creek California age 29. I’d love to meet you tonight at the alameda county fair in Pleasanton ca my favorite songs for your list tonight
    Amish paradise
    Call in sick
    Dare to be stupid
    The night Santa went crazy
    Cavity search
    Sick of you
    Jurassic park song
    Phone calls
    Under my skin from mudvayne
    white and nerdy
    Like a surgeon
    Seack and destroy from Metallica
    And much more
    Sincerely Chris Novak your number one fan I loved that interview with Eminem it was funny. I have a question for you weird al yankovic do you love watching national lampoons Christmas vacation squirrel part is greater than the other scenes see you at 7.00 p.m.

    Posted by Chris Novak | July 5, 2013, 10:41 am

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